Swazi Economic Improvement Workers Union is a well-established entity formed for representing employees at work place in all sectors including but not limited to textile, mining, hotel & catering, forest and forestry, manufacturing, government parastetals, agriculture, and security services industries. It was founded by 8 workers in different companies of Eswatini who came from different backgrounds, work places, academic backgrounds, workers councils, shop stewardship and unemployment back grounds. It is a Christian principled centered Union which tends to stick on its aims and objectives as presented in its founding Constitution Article 3.

After the development of the framework of the formation of the Union, the founders then appointed Board of Trustees who were to carry out the processes of legally registering the Union thereby instructing a Lawyer to carry out the process of registering the Union in line with the Industrial relations Act 1 of 2000 as amended which is within the company Laws of Eswatini via/by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in 2010/2011.

The nominated Board of Trustees who was employees each made financial donations towards the establishment of the Union and towards its administration cost and payment of legal fees thereto from the year 2010/2011 until the Union is financially stable to financially manage on its own. On the 23rd of February 2010 a constitution was formulated under the name Swazi Economic Improvement Workers Union Constitution stating the governing rules of the operation of the Union taking most views from the founding members. On the 16 February 2012 the Union was registered with the Commissioner of Labour under Section 27 of the Industrial relations Act of 2000 as amended and is recognized by the Eswatini Government.

The Union’s operation is mainly on daily service delivery to the workers unionized and non-unionized . The mandate of unions is rather uniform which with other Unions which is “to regulate the relationship between the employer and employee in a conducive environment” however the founders of the Union had a clear vision and goal in the name of the Union itself there by it has its uniqueness:

 Firstly the Union was founded for collective bargaining and economical purpose: the Union is viewed as an economic improvement tool benefiting the employee, employer, the unemployed, the country Eswatini , business people and investors in and out of the Country.

 Secondly The Union respectfully views the employer and employee as equal partners in the workplace (50/50) and both this prominent figures need each other:- the employer needs labor for sustainability of his business and the employee needs the finances and experience for curriculum growth and wellbeing and the operation of these two should be conducted on a conducive environment and embrace the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding in the workplace .

 The Union’s focus is permanently keeping current jobs and creating new ones through regulating the relations and settle disputes between members and management and between members by amicable agreement wherever possible.

 The union was founded to increase levels of employment in Eswatini by actively trying to bring in investments into the Kingdom of Eswatini whilst at the same time having to regard to its goal of providing for better remuneration and working conditions and ; The Union is working hard toward collaboration with existing councils in the country who are in the fore front of enhancing the recession economy of Eswatini.

 The foundation or rather the base of the Union is of Christian principles and values which great fully assist in creating fair & thoughtful dialogue while working together to ensure the rights of the workers while maintaining the peace of mind of large investors. However membership is open to those of all religions and belief systems. “Such principles are doing away with strike actions however there are legal strike actions but the Union will go all out in making sure and strictly following all legal routs preventing industrial actions.